Saturday, October 10, 2009

gilgamesh journaling

Here is my Gilgamesh journaling.
Day 3
Gilgamesh washed himself and put on his robes. He shone with radiance. He looked strikingly handsome. The great and mighty warrior stood with grace so bountiful, that the powerful and beautiful goddess Ishtar decided that she would take the time and the pleasure of asking him if he would marry her. Gilgamesh heard her request he knew that getting married to her would be pleasurable, but her love to him would not last for long. He responded to her saying, yes it would all be fine and grand. I accept the gifts that you offer me. What gifts would I give in return for yours? I will not marry you. Think about the other men that you swore you would love forever. You cast all of them out. There is no reason that I should be married to you, other than for part time pleasure. In other words, I will not marry you ever! This enraged the goddess she went to her father and mother and told them what Gilgamesh had done. Also, she told them that she would either take the bull of heaven to kill Gilgamesh, or release the dead to walk among the humans, so that the dead would outnumber the living. Her parents did not want the dead to walk on earth, for the dead might not worship them, or the dead would find their way into the heavens and destroy everything in them. Therefore, they concluded that loosing the great and mighty hero Gilgamesh would be worth it. Ishtar released the bull, its snorts were of such great power that they killed, in total, 300 men and knocked Enkidu down. Enkidu saw the bull knowing three of its snorts could kill that many people; and its horns could do much worse. Someone had to stop it! Enkidu, a quick thinker, then jumped on its back and seized its horns. Calling out to Gilgamesh while he jostled around aimlessly he spoke these words, Gilgamesh you were the one that said we should write our names in gold take your chance and kill this beast. With that, Gilgamesh drew his sword and drove it right into its lungs. The goddess was even more angered. She came to Uruk, strong walled Uruk, and cursed them. Saying that Gilgamesh should die for what he had done! Enkidu then carved out one of the bull’s thighs and threw in at the goddess. If I could touch you, I would do just that to you tear out your thigh. The goddess left them. A few days passed and Gilgamesh saw that his brother his comrade, was ill. Enkidu, with an ill heart, an ill soul, and an ill body cursed the gate to the forest, he cursed until his voice became horse. Then he cursed the trapper who had seen him and cursed and cursed he cursed him with every curse that he could think of. He then cursed and cursed the harlot, the woman that had brought him into this trap, he cursed, and cursed, he used every foul word in his language and then some from different languages that he had picked up throughout his travels. Then the sun god Shamash said to him why are you cursing the woman who taught you to eat bread and to drink wine? Why do you curse the woman who gave you a robe? She has done nothing wrong. Then Enkidu’s heart, which was only a moment ago, was filled with hatred, changed and he blessed her with every blessing, he blessed and blessed and blessed. He blessed her all night and all day the next day. 12 days later he died. Gilgamesh mourned for him all day and night, for seven days and he promised that all who had been a part of his life would mourn for him. He left the city when no one was looking so that no one would stop him.
Day 4
Gilgamesh wondered the earth; the victor of many battles, tracked, hunted, and killed all manner of wild beasts and game. The mighty defender walked in despair. The slaughter of Enkidu, that mammoth of a man, bewildered the durable Gilgamesh. That noble man, who met no equal, went out in search of the secret to life that never ceases. The gracious now wild hero went in search of Utnapishtim. He roamed the hills, traveled over land and sea, and rambled all throughout the world, in search of the secret to eternal existence. The ruler of Strong walled Uruk came to Mashu. Mashu’s Mountains stood facing the athletic vanquisher, the place where the man-scorpions stood guard, those whose gaze would demolish any man. The strong Guardian knew that those mountains would devour him the way that a lion consumes its prey. Gilgamesh approached the man-scorpions. One of the strange sentinels noticed him and called to his mate. The Man-Scorpion declared to his wife, that man who approaches he contains the blood of the gods. The Woman-Scorpion replied, not fully god only two-thirds god is he who stands before us. Gilgamesh came closer. The scorpion-man addressed Gilgamesh asking, “Why have you come so great a journey; for what have you traveled so far, crossing the dangerous waters; tell me the reason for your coming?” Gilgamesh responded, “For Enkidu, I loved him dearly, together we endured all kinds of hardships; on his account I have come, for the common lot of man has taken him. I have wept for him day and night, I would not give up his body for burial, I thought my friend would come back because of my weeping. Since he went, my life is nothing; that is why I have traveled here in search of Utnapishtim my father; for men say he has entered the assembly of the gods, and has found everlasting life. I have a desire to question him concerning the living and the dead.” The Scorpion man then told him that none that who were born to a human and have human blood flowing throughout their veins have gone into the mountain, and that through the gate was nothing but darkness for twelve leagues. Gilgamesh replied mournfully, though I must go in sadness and despair, I will go. I will not be the man tossed easily away. I will go through that mountain for I greatly fear of death, and I feel it close at hand. Very well, the scorpion-man stated, you may pass. So Gilgamesh went into the mountains that devoured him like a lion its prey. He walked in the span of darkness. After 11 leagues, he let out a wail. But he kept journeying. After he had come out of the mountain-cave, the sun god came and addressed him. Why did you come Gilgamesh, The shining glory asked. Gilgamesh told him what he had told the guards of the mountain. Then Shamash told Gilgamesh to travel to the woman of the vine. The heroic but devastated man journeyed to this woman and she asked him the same question as the sun god and the man-scorpions. He repeated his long and flowing speech. Wine maker told him that the only way to go there was to cross the waters of death. In reply, he spoke with sadness in his voice. If I must, I will cross those waters. She told him to go to the ferryman who would only ferry over the gods. If he really tried, he might get across. With that, Gilgamesh flew like an arrow on the string towards the ferryman. In anger the wild one swung his axe with the power of ten lions he broke the new serpent head of the boat. Then he related his storey to the ferryman. In reply the boat master told him that he had just ruined his protection. Then he told Gilgamesh to go cut a great many logs. The lion slayer did just that. After the boat was well under way the ferryman told The great and might hero to put his logs in the water Gilgamesh did this with no delay for he was afraid of death. Once he got to the shore he gazed at his father and ran up to him he told him exactly what he had told the ferryman, the winemaker, the sun god, and the scorpion-man. Then his father told him that he would tell him a secret of the gods.

Chapters 3 - 4

Monday, September 14, 2009

"The Epic of Gilgamesh" Chapters 1 and 2


Day 1

The great and mighty Gilgamesh, blessed by the Sun God, was the undefeated king. He took away Children, all of them girls, from his people. Wives, maidens, daughters, and all were removed from their father’s worlds. The people prayed to their gods, asking for someone, a mighty hero, who could defeat their wretched king. The gods answered their plea, but not quite in the way that they expected. A wild and savage man, raised on the milk of wild beasts, he who ate of the grass with the gazelle, and was formed of clay, made to kill the king, Gilgamesh. One day hunter came to a watering hole there he gazed at the wild yet mighty Enkidu. For three days he came face to face with this strange yet gentle creature. The hunter went back to his home and told a fellow sheppard about what he had seen. The sheppard told him to go to the king, the strong willed Gilgamesh, and tell him of his situation. He did so and came back with a harlot, a child of pleasure. He told her, the harlot, about his situation. She knew what to do. They waited by the watering hole for two days. On day three, it happened. After lying with the harlot, Enkidu found that he has lost his strength. The animals rejected him. He was lost in despair. After a time he decided to live a man’s life. He did not lose all of his incredible strength. In fact he was able to drive away and kill a lion that had been killing sheep belonging to the sheppards. After living with the sheppards for some time a messenger of the king came to where Enkidu was currently living. Enkidu asked the harlot, who is that man and why has he come. The harlot went to the messenger and asked him who he was and why he was here. The messenger spoke to Enkidu saying, lord and king Gilgamesh is getting married to the goddess of love. Enkidu decided that now would be a good time to fulfill his destiny. He went and challenged the king. They fought for hours. Things broke under their weight. It all happened so fast. Soon enough Gilgamesh got his foot on the ground and threw Enkidu on the ground.

Day 2

Gilgamesh and Enkidu who were made to be enemies became friends. On one day, Gilgamesh told Enkidu of his dream. Enkidu then told king Gilgamesh what his dream meant. The warrior told his king that his dream meant that Gilgamesh was granted great power by the gods. He was blessed with unbelievable power by the gods. But not to use this gift unwisely. After considering it for some time, the king came to a conclusion. He decided that he would rid the world of an evil that had been haunting the town of Uruk from before the time of recorded history. After offering two goats to the sun god, he gained seven magical items from the sun god, Shamash. After this he went and watched the smiths forge his weapons using the seven special items. Gilgamesh was given a bow, an axe, and a sword; all of these were forged for him and especially for this mission. Gilgamesh and Enkidu prepared to leave the city when the counsel stopped them. They told them of the danger, of which they were already aware. Gilgamesh then addressed his comrade Enkidu. Shall I tell them that I am afraid? Let us go to Ninsun she is wise and can tell us what we should do. They did so. When they arrived they spoke with Ninsun. Ninsun prayed to Shamash for protection over her son. After she did so, she sent them off on their perilous journey. The town’s folk could not convince the mighty heroes to stay. So off they went. Off to slay the evil and strong Humbaba. They journeyed for two days before they reached the forest gate. They had traveled 100 leagues in that time and were about to chop down the cedar that was protected by Humbaba. After they chopped down the mighty cedar, the tree fell down. Humbaba heard its crash and came running towards the two who dared to enter his dominion. Enkidu froze with fear for he knew the monster and he had seen him before. But the mighty Gilgamesh, who had met no match in his life, stood firm and prepared for battle. He told his good friend Enkidu that if they retreated now that they would have lost the battle. So Enkidu was convinced to stay. First Gilgamesh prayed to the sun god. He asked for help and help was given. The creature that was made to guard the tree was stuck in between the winds. The creature was terrifying. His breath was like fire. His teeth were death. His power was unbelievable. He told the king that he would serve him if only he would remove his wrath. The kind was slightly convinced. His friend and comrade however, was not. After a debate they decided to destroy the evil creature. After they did that they made a pile of wood from the trees, which the guardian of the tree used for his house. They put on this pile the head and body of the mighty foe. By doing this they angered the god Enlil. And he took the seven items belonging to Humbaba and hid them around the world.

Austin's reading blog

This is Austin's reading blog. He is currently reading the Epic of Gilgamesh.